For Parents

Guide to a Nanny Contract


At The Nanny Solution, we’re all about making sure families and nannies start off on the right foot. And guess what? A good nanny contract is the key to a happy, no-surprises relationship. 

Let’s take a look at what goes into a professional nanny/parent contract.

The Basics: Who’s Who and When’s When

First up, you need to include the basics—like your names, addresses, and how to reach you. 

Work Schedule: It’s All About Timing

Everyone’s busy, right? It is important to be crystal clear on when the nanny’s work schedule. That is, the days of the week and the exact start time and end time for each workday. Include a plan for holidays and those just-in-case days off.

What’s the Job?

Here’s where you outline all of the nanny’s responsibilities. Keeping your children safe is the priority, but it is also important to include details like whether tidying up or meal prep is part of the job description. No surprises means everyone’s happy.

The Pay and Perks

Let’s talk salary—how much, how often (i.e. when’s payday), and how you’ll handle things like overtime and holidays. Plus, you will need to include important things like sick days, vacation time, and making sure everything’s done legally with taxes and insurance.

Time Off: Vacays and Sick Days

Everyone needs a break. Be sure to outline how vacation time works, how far in advance the nanny needs to request vacation time, and what to do when the nanny gets sick.  

Extras: Travel, Expenses, and Wheels

Will your nanny be traveling with you? Will they need to use their car to drive your children to school or activities? Be sure to include how expenses and travel time get handled.

Tech Talk and Privacy

In today’s world, it is important to talk about phones, social media, and privacy. Setting boundaries keeps things respectful and private.

Signing Off

Once both parties agree, everyone signs on the dotted line to make it official. 

Think of the nanny/parent work contract as the guideline for your employment relationship.

At The Nanny Solution, we believe a good start leads to happy endings for everyone. Here’s to a fantastic partnership between your family and your new nanny!

Need help setting up your nanny contract? Visit to get started!

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