For Parents

5 Signs You’re Exploiting Your Nanny


Every day, nannies face various challenges in their positions, and often, they are taken advantage of without the families even realizing it. This unintentional exploitation usually stems from a lack of education about fair employment practices. 

Here are the five most common mistakes families make that can lead to exploiting their nannies, along with tips on how to avoid them.

For a more in-depth discussion on this topic, check out our video on YouTube here. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more helpful tips and advice!

1. Unpaid Overtime

One of the most prevalent issues nannies face is unpaid overtime. If you frequently ask your nanny to stay late—whether it’s for 10, 15, or even 30 minutes or longer—without compensating them, you are taking advantage of their time. Like any job, overtime should be compensated appropriately. In many places, paying for overtime is not just a courtesy; it’s a legal requirement. Ensure you are compensating your nanny fairly and that they are not expected to be on call 24/7 without proper remuneration.

2. Lack of Clear Job Boundaries

Another common issue is the blurring of job boundaries. If your nanny’s duties extend beyond childcare to running errands or doing extensive cleaning—tasks not included in the original job description—this is a sign of exploitation. 

These additional tasks often start as small favours but can quickly add up. It’s essential to review your nanny’s job responsibilities and compensate them appropriately for any extra tasks they have taken on. While light housekeeping related to the children is typically part of a nanny’s duties, their primary responsibility is caring for your children.

3. No Breaks or Time Off

Nannies often report not receiving their vacation days or breaks because it is inconvenient for the family or because they are expected to be constantly on duty. 

Everyone needs a break, and nannies are no exception. If your nanny isn’t getting breaks during the day, reassess the situation. It can be challenging for nannies to get breaks when caring for young children who need constant supervision. However, nap times or periods of independent play are excellent opportunities for your nanny to take a short break.

4. Poor Communication and Feedback

Effective communication is crucial in any working relationship. If your nanny feels uncomfortable sharing concerns or feedback, it may indicate poor communication practices. Regular check-ins in a supportive environment can make a significant difference, ensuring your nanny feels valued and heard. Open communication helps build a strong, respectful relationship and can prevent misunderstandings and frustrations.

5. Unrealistic Expectations

Expecting perfection from your nanny in every situation is unrealistic and unfair. Like everyone else, nannies are human and can have bad days or make mistakes. Maintaining realistic expectations helps create a healthy, respectful working relationship. Acknowledging that your nanny is human and treating them with empathy and understanding can go a long way in ensuring their well-being and job satisfaction.

The nanny profession has a high burnout rate, and much of this is due to exploitation. Fighting for basic human rights can be exhausting. If you want your nanny to stay long-term, ensure you are not making these five common mistakes. Building a respectful and fair working relationship with your nanny is crucial for their happiness and effectiveness in their role.

For more resources or personalized assistance in your nanny search in Canada, visit The Nanny Solution. Let us help you find the perfect nanny to support your family’s unique needs and lifestyle.


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