For Nannies For Parents

Extended Medical and Dental Benefits for Nannies!


The Nanny Solution is excited to announce a new partnership with Livelihood Payroll. At The Nanny Solution we pride ourselves on leading the industry with our standards in childcare. This partnership will allow us to attract the best nannies and have the most successful long term nanny placements by offering extended medical and dental benefits to nannies.

Recent studies show that offering health insurance is one of the most powerful factors to attract and retain key people. More than 90% of Canadian employers offer a Benefit Plan to supplement the Government health insurance coverage for employees.

The Livelihood Benefit Plan is available now to The Nanny Solution clients with caregivers working 20 or more hours per week, with premiums more than 25% lower than similar plans, and no lengthy health questionnaires required to apply.

Coverage includes:

Prescription Drugs, Hospital, Medical Equipment& Supplies, Travel Insurance, Dental Care & more.

Access to the Discount Marketplace – the largest employee discount program in the world – providing online shopping and helping employees save thousands of dollars on deals from top brands. Paid for monthly by employer, with no cost passed onto your caregiver.

We partnered with Livelihood with you and your household caregivers in mind. It is paid monthly for your employee with no cost passed onto them. The Livelihood Benefit Plan is comprehensive, cost effective, and protects and rewards Livelihood families and their household caregivers. Helping you and your caregivers worry less and live more.

To find out more contact us today!