For Nannies

8 Important Steps to Becoming a Professional Nanny

First impressions are a BIG deal, especially when it comes to your job or career. Whether you are sending a simple email or showing up on a client’s doorstep for the first time, it is extremely important to be aware of how you are presenting yourself. At The Nanny Solution we have some great tips for our nannies on how to make sure you are representing yourself and the agency in a professional and positive manner.

  • Make sure that your email address is professional! This is something a lot of people don’t put much thought into, but when you are sending a professional email and your email address is something like “fluffybutterflies01@….” do you really think that you will be taken seriously? A good rule of thumb to stick to is to use your full name as your email address.
  • Clean up your social media pages. In today’s digital world, people will Google search you! You don’t want an employer or professional contact being able to see directly into your personal life, so make sure your privacy settings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Are set strictly so that you can maintain your own personal privacy.
  • When sending a work related email, always make sure you have a greeting, use correct spelling and grammar and speak professionally. It makes a big difference to start your emails with a “Hello, I hope you are having a nice day so far” and using the person’s name you are contacting. Never use slang in a work related email and always remember to proof read your email before sending it. Sending an email with misspellings and grammar mistakes comes across as careless and unprofessional. Unsure? Read your email aloud before sending, make sure that is sounds professional.
  • Be on Time! At The Nanny Solution we always stress: Punctuality is key! Arriving late and frantic will make the wrong impression, being prepared and on time is a huge component of being taken seriously in the professional world. We cannot stress this enough!
  • Be Positive! Nobody likes a “Negative Nelly”, so be conscious of the things that you say. If you want to be treated with consideration and respect, it starts with you. Treat others with respect and you will be respected. Don’t bad mouth co-workers or bosses; it just ends up making you look bad. Remember the saying, “If you can’t say something nice, choose not to say anything at all.”
  • Honesty and Communication. Be honest, even if you made a mistake, it’s ok to admit it. People are much more likely to forgive and respect you for being honest than being deceitful. It shows character to admit when you were wrong and it helps to build trust. Figure out what your communication style is and practice! Are you shy and get nervous talking face to face? Acknowledge that about yourself and practice. Try talking in front of the mirror to get better at your speaking skills. And remember, it is ok to be honest and say “I am just a bit nervous.” Being honest and proactive is definitely professional.
  • Dress professionally. In the line of nanny work, it is important to be presentable and also comfortable. Your appearance is truly the first impression you make! When going for any interview, it’s usually a standard rule of thumb not to wear jeans or flip-flops. Dress in a way that says, “I’m here to impress you and show you that I am professional and take myself seriously”, people will respond and treat you in the same way that you view and present yourself. Want to be treated professionally? Dressing like a professional is a good place to start.
  • Keep conversations work appropriate. This is definitely an important area when it comes to being a nanny. Working in someone’s home is extremely personal! Maintaining a boundary of professionalism is key. Though you may form friendships with parents and bonds with the children, remember to always remain aware that this is your job and you are in fact in a place of business, so keep you conversations appropriate for the work place.

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